Calvin Nice Monster by Tan Kai En Calvin

Art therapy has shown the potential to address sensory and behavioural challenges of children by restoring trust and relational development and improving self-regulation. Sensory experiences and creative expressions encourage flexibility and adaptation to shift the focus from behavioural to emotional development of the child. It is possible within a nurturing environment.

Calvin had presented struggles at the start of the year and would frequently express anxiety. By the end of term 1, he had exhibited the ability for self-control and to be flexible. In this session, the objectives were to engage in the sensory process with pleasure and create a painting using patterned rollers. Calvin was motivated and engaged in the activity independently. His final artwork revealed colours and strokes that glow with energy and vitality, but at the same time contained within the boundary of the paper. He beamed and proudly introduced it as “Calvin nice monster”.

Often monster is depicted as dangerous and aggressive with a strange appearance that causes terror and fear. Even so, Calvin is perhaps communicating through his artwork that he is but a nice and lively monster. His transformation is undeniable and should be recognised and celebrated.