Mr Sim Gim Guan
Date first appointed: 17/5/2022
Treasurer from: 1/4/2023
Key directorships and appointments in other charities / organisations:
• Executive Director, Singapore National Employers Federation
• Chairman, National Council on Problem Gambling, and Rysense Limited
• Member, National Council of Social Service ComChest Committee, National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre HR Committee, National Arts Council StARTS Fund Committee
Curriculum Vitae
Mr Sim Gim Guan is the Executive Director of the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF).
Prior to joining SNEF, Mr Sim was the Chief Executive Officer of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) from 1 Nov 2013 to 31 May 2020. He had spent 23 years in the Republic of Singapore Navy, and retired from the Singapore Armed Forces in Jun 2006. He joined the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (MICA) in Aug 2006 as Senior Director (Information and Corporate Management). From Feb 2007, Mr Sim served as the Deputy Secretary (Information and Corporate Management) in MICA, and subsequently, as Deputy Secretary (Industry and Information) at the Ministry of Communications and Information from Nov 2012.
Mr Sim had also served on the Charity Council and the Board of Directors of the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) and the National Arts Council (NAC). Mr Sim graduated from Oxford University with a Bachelor’s degree and holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institutes of Technology through its Sloan Fellows programme.
Mr Sim was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Military) at the National Day Awards 2006, the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2014 and the Public Service Star (COVID-19) in 2023.