Media Coverages
MSF Social Media Video for THKMC Brotherhood Programme (featuring Brother Firdaus) (13/10/2024)
Brotherhood programme helps abusive men break cycle of violence (06/10/2024)
Cutting-edge technology and seniors run active ageing centre in Bedok (23/09/2024)
Domestic violence is not a private matter (23/09/2024)
位于勿洛的太和观活跃乐龄中心完成翻新,并延长运营时间,成为本地首家每天开放16小时的活跃乐龄中心。 (20/09/2024)
勿洛太和观活跃乐龄中心完成翻新 运营时间将延长 (20/09/2024)
Co-parenting after divorce: More in S’pore seek support to ensure children’s needs not neglected (04/08/2024)
Sessions for children by student speech therapists a hit (29/07/2024)
Food gives seniors new lease of life (28/07/2024)
新加坡独居老人 如何不孤独 (24/07/2024)
4岁自闭儿已能在披萨店点餐 (19/07/2024)
位于先驱的太和观婴幼儿早期介入服务中心正式开幕 (19/07/2024)
妈妈的欣慰 (19/07/2024)
早期介入服务增名额及早辅助特需幼童 (16/07/2024)
太和观与新工大合作设立本地首家由学生主导言语治疗诊所 (28/06/2024)
Man jailed 34.5 years for killing 5-year-old daughter, confining his children in toilet for months (30/04/2024)
Early intervention educators’ annual pay to rise by up to 16% (27/04/2024)
婴幼儿早期介入教师将加薪 新增三服务中心7月启用 (27/04/2024)
His anger tore his world apart, but family and brothers healed his troubled heart (16/04/2024)
Brothers made me a better man (14/04/2024)
Future care: Do we have what it takes to look after older S’poreans (13/04/2024)
Lebih usaha sokong warga emas hidup bersendiri, tapi kurang pendamping (06/04/2024)
Warga emas tidak sepi walau hidup bersendiri (06/04/2024)
特需烘焙师在咖啡座施展专长 (06/03/2024)
Salary guidelines helpful but crucial to address other factors to retain, attract workers Community care providers (29/02/2024)
Usaha galak kaum Adam dakap kelelakian positif (21/01/2024)
过来人分享情绪失控经历 鼓励施暴者积极求助 (21/01/2024)
醉酒伤人后痛改前非 (20/01/2024)
Scheme to curb family violence helps over 80 men (20/01/2024)
Press Releases
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities Launches Refreshed THK Active Ageing Centre @ Bedok and Bedok Sanctuary (20/09/2024)
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities opens two new EIPIC Centres to support children with developmental needs (19/07/2024)
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities and the Singapore Institute of Technology Established the Nation’s First Speech Therapy Student Clinic (28/06/2024)
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities Celebrates Positive Masculinity Through Break the Silence Campaign (02/01/2024)
THKMC celebrates National Day with seniors at four Active Ageing Centres (08/08/2023)
THKMC appoints Jason Lee as new CEO (01/03/2023)