Latest News Category: 2023

Micro-jobs scheme for seniors in active ageing centres

THKMC launched the micro jobs scheme for seniors to participate in simple community-based tasks like delivering meals and medicine reminders for other seniors. 47 seniors from active ageing centres participated in this initiative and they receive incentive for the tasks assigned.

Khidmat sehenti baru galak penuaan aktif penduduk Geyang serai

Khidmat sehenti baru galak penuaan aktif penduduk Geyang serai

Thye Hua Kwan entities granted options to buy 2 office floors at Solitaire on Cecil for S$103.2m

Investing in freehold prime Singapore offices aimed at providing sustainable rental income to the charities; purchases subject to regulatory nods


永续发展与环境部长傅海燕(右起)、东南区市长阀贺米,以及太和观慈善机构首席执行官李德生,在友诺士的太和观残疾人士服务中心, 采收由残障者利用室内水培系统种植的豆苗。(唐家湾摄)


友诺士50岁及以上的居民约占47%,为满足区内年长居民活跃乐龄和保健需求,甘榜友诺士网络今天正式成立,集合资源助力年长居 民的身心健康。

Brotherhood interview with Ben Ang

Brotherhood interview with Ben Ang

Priority pre-school enrolment among moves to aid needy families

More early intervention centres and fee subsidies for children with developmental needs, and priority enrolment for children from lower-income households at some pre-schools, are among the moves
announced by the Ministry of Social and Family Development on Friday to uplift needy families and give their children a good start in life.

Relawan bantu jenguk, tengkok warga emas

Timbul keprihatinan tentang kesejahteraan, kesihatan sedang warga S’pura kian menua; sebahagiannya hidup sebatang kara

Rangkul Ijazah Sarjana Muda Selepas Dua Dekad Dalam Bidang Kejururawatan

SETELAH lebih dua dekad dalam bidang kejururawatan, Cik Norsila Hamid akhirnya memberanikan diri untuk melanjutkan pengajian di
peringkat tinggi.

Penghuni Rumah Peralihan Pertapis Sumbang Gunting Rambut Warga Emas Secara Percumat

SEBAGAI sebahagian daripada inisiatif menyumbang kepada masyarakat, tiga penghuni Rumah Peralihan Pertapis (PHH) menyediakan perkhidmatan gunting rambut percuma untuk warga emas yang tinggal di sekitar Cassia Crescent.

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